In case you accidentally deleted your admin user, you can add a admin user from MySQL
Login to MySQL Database:
sudo mysql -u root
Switch to the XtreamCP Database:
USE xtream_iptvpro;
Use following code to a admin user (Please note, it is the admin user with the id 1)
INSERT INTO `reg_users` (`id`, `username`, `password`, `email`, `ip`, `date_registered`, `verify_key`, `last_login`, `member_group_id`, `verified`, `credits`, `notes`, `status`, `default_lang`, `reseller_dns`, `owner_id`, `override_packages`, `google_2fa_sec`, `dark_mode`, `sidebar`, `expanded_sidebar`) VALUES ('1', 'admin', '$6$rounds=20000$xtreamcodes$XThC5OwfuS0YwS4ahiifzF14vkGbGsFF1w7ETL4sRRC5sOrAWCjWvQJDromZUQoQuwbAXAFdX3h3Cp3vqulpS0', '[email protected]', NULL, '', NULL, NULL, '1', '1', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '0', NULL, '', '0', '0', '0');
Exit MySQL:
Now you can login with:
User: admin
Pass: admin
Don't forget to edit the admin mail adres !